ITU Filing
Administrations/operators only gain international recognition for their frequency assignments and the ability to protect them from harmful interference by registering satellite networks with International Telecommunication Union. Countries submit hundreds of new satellite network to ITU each year but approximately one-third of the satellite networks are notified and brought into use within the time limit. Operators may not finalize the satellite network registration process for a variety of reasons, i.e cancellation of the project, unsuccessful frequency coordination, unfavourable technical findings, fail to meet the regulatory requirements, fail to requirement to be brought into use within the specified time limit.
Since frequency bands and orbital slots are congested and there are some assignments recorded in the MIFR without actual use, it is becoming more challenging for operators to register and coordinate new satellite systems. Therefore, we would like to emphasize the importance of the filing prepared with correct parameters and the influence of the orbital position selection.
According the statistics, 40% of the submitted satellite networks contain unfavourable findings (with 1 or more unfavourable assignments under No. 9.35/11.31). In practice, this means that these unfavourable assignments will not be protected by newcomer but they have to protect others. On the other hand, if you would like to convert these unfavourable assignments to favourable assignments, you have to submit a modification to your satellite network and pay additional cost recovery fee. Moreover, these modified assignments will have a newer date of protection therefore; you have to complete coordination with additional satellite networks. We prepare the filings with 100% favourable assignmets target.
Satmen Telecom helps new and established satellite operators to realize their projects through every step of the ITU’s process. Satmen Telecom supports its clients to prepare and submit the satellite network filings to ITU. In this respect, Satmen Telecom manage satellite filings together with its clients for obtaining internationally recognized orbital positions and frequency assignments.
Filing for the target
* first analyze existing filings
* specify administrations which you will need their agreement
* prepare best filings that satisfy your projects
* prevent unfavourable groups
* prepare gain counters wrt adjacent satellites
* follow the timeline wrt your satellite network(s)