ITU Satellite Frequency Coordination
Administrations and satellite operators are bound by the regulations of the ITU (Radio Regulations-RR). The ITU Radio Regulations define processes for coordination of satellite networks of different administrations, which could potentially interfere with each other. Article 9 of the RR contains the requirements and process to obtain agreement prior to the notification process and Article 11 of the RR outlines the conditions for which notification of a satellite network is required. In practice, satellite coordination is often obtained at an operator-to-operator level but the outcome of the satellite coordination meeting is subject to approval of related administrations.
The satellite coordination, notification, and recording procedures are quite complex. After WRC-15, API is automatically generated from the coordination request (CR/C) upon CR/C has been received by the ITU-BR. It means that the date of receipt of the CR/C is also mark the start of the regulatory period to bring the associated frequency assignment(s) into use. For non-planned FSS GSO bands, within seven years of submission of the API (Advance Publication Information), operator must bring-into use the satellite network, submit Notification information to the ITU, and should have completed the requisite coordinations. Similary for the planned bands (Ap30, Ap30A, Ap30B), this regulatory clock starts with API but operators have eight years to complete the coordination. Nowadays, a typical satellite network that requires coordination under RR 9.7, has to complete the coordination approximately more than 50 administration and 2000 satellite networks. If we consider seven years regulatory limit, you have to complete the coordination with at least one network per day.
The coordination of satellite networks is a bilateral process, aimed at interference-free operation of existing and planned systems where the newcomer must contact the potentially affected administrations and obtain their agreement regarding the potential for interference. An affected administration will evaluate the technical characteristics of the proposed satellite network and inform the filing administration if it agrees with the proposed operation. The basic criteria for acceptance interference levels are set by the ITU. Nevertheless, operators may have different acceptable interference level requirements that you have to take into account.
You may classify the potential for interference based on some important factors, i.e. the amount of frequency overlap, the physical proximity of the satellite systems, the amount of service area (gain contours) overlap, uplink power density level, downlink EIRP (Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power) level, minimum uplink/downlink antenna sizes, required C/N or Eb/No ratio etc. The potential for interference for bands to be used as TT&C should also be considered to safe operation of satellite.
As summarized, coordination is potentially the most time consuming component of bringing a satellite network into service. Therefore, once coordination publication has been published in IFIC or provided under As Received folder in IFIC/ITU site by BR, satellite operator must make reasonable efforts towards completing this coordination in a timely manner. Coordination of the satellite system have the potential to affect the viability of a project, and hence the proposals/limits for the completion of the coordination should be prepared carefully from start to end. Our spectrum team works with you to overcome the frequency coordination issues.
Coordination Analysis
* prepare priority tables
* analyze satellite networks of other party
* prepare proposals (power limits)
* find ways to persuade other party
* simulate interference environment
* check proposals with link-budgets
* determine advantages and disadvantages
* find a compromise solution
Key Features
We are working as your remote worker.
Interference sofware
We have developed our own software satmensoft to make powerful reports.
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